STP - Transferor Scheme : Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Initial Investment Amount STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Remaining Total Amount Transferred Value as on 15-01-2025 Current Value as on 15-01-2025 Profit Returns (%)
1,000,000 15-01-2022 to 15-01-2025 37 376.85 221,192 1,000,000 1,000,000 221,192 5.55

STP - Transferee Scheme : Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Accumulated Total Amount Invested Value as on 15-01-2025 Current Value as on 15-01-2025 Profit Returns (%)
15-01-2022 to 15-01-2025 37 2,517.92 221,192 261,879 261,879 40,686 10.95

STP - Total Returns:

Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
1,000,000 1,261,879 261,879 5.98

Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Net Amount Profit Transfer Capital Gain/Loss
(Profit Transfer)
No. of Days
Current Value
15-01-2021 2129.2322 469.6529 469.6529 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
16-01-2022 2200.5465 15.2203 454.4326 1,033,493 -33,493 1,085.42 366 1,000,000
15-02-2022 2206.7039 1.268 453.1646 1,002,798 -2,798 98.23 396 1,000,000
15-03-2022 2212.5554 1.1985 451.9661 1,002,652 -2,652 99.86 424 1,000,000
17-04-2022 2219.9795 1.5115 450.4546 1,003,355 -3,355 137.16 457 1,000,000
16-05-2022 2226.0738 1.2332 449.2214 1,002,745 -2,745 119.43 486 1,000,000
15-06-2022 2234.2332 1.6406 447.5809 1,003,665 -3,665 172.26 516 1,000,000
15-07-2022 2243.1592 1.781 445.7998 1,003,995 -3,995 202.91 546 1,000,000
16-08-2022 2252.6045 1.8693 443.9306 1,004,211 -4,211 230.62 578 1,000,000
15-09-2022 2262.3494 1.9122 442.0184 1,004,326 -4,326 254.55 608 1,000,000
16-10-2022 2272.7741 2.0274 439.9909 1,004,608 -4,608 291.02 639 1,000,000
15-11-2022 2284.5044 2.2592 437.7317 1,005,161 -5,161 350.8 669 1,000,000
15-12-2022 2296.3583 2.2596 435.4721 1,005,189 -5,189 377.64 699 1,000,000
15-01-2023 2309.3951 2.4583 433.0138 1,005,677 -5,677 442.89 730 1,000,000
15-02-2023 2321.777 2.3092 430.7046 1,005,362 -5,362 444.63 761 1,000,000
15-03-2023 2333.4969 2.1632 428.5414 1,005,048 -5,048 441.86 789 1,000,000
16-04-2023 2349.3166 2.8857 425.6557 1,006,779 -6,779 635.1 821 1,000,000
15-05-2023 2361.4641 2.1896 423.4661 1,005,171 -5,171 508.49 850 1,000,000
15-06-2023 2375.338 2.4734 420.9927 1,005,875 -5,875 608.71 881 1,000,000
16-07-2023 2389.0238 2.4117 418.581 1,005,762 -5,762 626.54 912 1,000,000
16-08-2023 2402.2371 2.3024 416.2786 1,005,531 -5,531 628.56 943 1,000,000
15-09-2023 2415.5736 2.2983 413.9803 1,005,552 -5,552 658.1 973 1,000,000
15-10-2023 2429.1134 2.3075 411.6728 1,005,605 -5,605 691.98 1,003 1,000,000
15-11-2023 2443.1467 2.3646 409.3082 1,005,777 -5,777 742.29 1,034 1,000,000
15-12-2023 2456.6604 2.2515 407.0567 1,005,531 -5,531 737.22 1,064 1,000,000
15-01-2024 2472.5444 2.615 404.4417 1,006,466 -6,466 897.76 1,095 1,000,000
15-02-2024 2487.0667 2.3616 402.0801 1,005,873 -5,873 845.06 1,126 1,000,000
15-03-2024 2501.5937 2.3349 399.7452 1,005,841 -5,841 869.43 1,155 1,000,000
15-04-2024 2519.1703 2.7891 396.9561 1,007,026 -7,026 1,087.57 1,186 1,000,000
15-05-2024 2532.7401 2.1268 394.8293 1,005,387 -5,387 858.18 1,216 1,000,000
15-06-2024 2548.0424 2.3712 392.4581 1,006,042 -6,042 993.06 1,247 1,000,000
15-07-2024 2563.0351 2.2957 390.1624 1,005,884 -5,884 995.89 1,277 1,000,000
15-08-2024 2577.8736 2.2458 387.9166 1,005,789 -5,789 1,007.57 1,308 1,000,000
15-09-2024 2592.7291 2.2226 385.694 1,005,763 -5,763 1,030.19 1,339 1,000,000
15-10-2024 2608.2681 2.2978 383.3962 1,005,993 -5,993 1,100.73 1,369 1,000,000
15-11-2024 2623.4501 2.2187 381.1774 1,005,821 -5,821 1,096.53 1,400 1,000,000
15-12-2024 2637.7533 2.0669 379.1105 1,005,452 -5,452 1,051.08 1,430 1,000,000
15-01-2025 2653.5466 2.2564 376.8541 1,005,987 -5,987 1,183.05 1,461 1,000,000

Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
17-01-2022 82.439 406.2757 406.2757 33,493 33,493 33,493
15-02-2022 77.874 35.9314 442.2071 2,798 36,291 34,436
15-03-2022 74.338 35.6708 477.8779 2,652 38,943 35,524
18-04-2022 76.978 43.5896 521.4675 3,355 42,298 40,142
16-05-2022 70.696 38.8311 560.2986 2,745 45,043 39,611
15-06-2022 70.45 52.0281 612.3267 3,665 48,709 43,138
15-07-2022 72.749 54.9163 667.243 3,995 52,704 48,541
16-08-2022 79.337 53.0738 720.3168 4,211 56,915 57,148
15-09-2022 80.1 54.0082 774.325 4,326 61,241 62,023
17-10-2022 77.525 59.4377 833.7627 4,608 65,849 64,637
15-11-2022 81.435 63.3785 897.1412 5,161 71,010 73,059
15-12-2022 81.63 63.5652 960.7064 5,189 76,199 78,422
16-01-2023 79.298 71.5928 1,032.2992 5,677 81,876 81,859
15-02-2023 79.541 67.4059 1,099.7051 5,362 87,237 87,472
15-03-2023 75.15 67.1699 1,166.8749 5,048 92,285 87,691
17-04-2023 77.793 87.1466 1,254.0215 6,779 99,065 97,554
15-05-2023 80.983 63.8486 1,317.8702 5,171 104,235 106,725
15-06-2023 82.624 71.1068 1,388.9769 5,875 110,110 114,763
17-07-2023 86.68 66.47 1,455.447 5,762 115,872 126,158
16-08-2023 86.426 63.9951 1,519.442 5,531 121,403 131,319
15-09-2023 90.337 61.4554 1,580.8975 5,552 126,954 142,814
16-10-2023 87.847 63.8065 1,644.704 5,605 132,560 144,482
15-11-2023 87.594 65.9535 1,710.6575 5,777 138,337 149,843
15-12-2023 94.013 58.8351 1,769.4926 5,531 143,868 166,355
15-01-2024 96.445 67.0402 1,836.5328 6,466 150,334 177,124
15-02-2024 94.658 62.0489 1,898.5816 5,873 156,207 179,716
15-03-2024 94.886 61.5583 1,960.1399 5,841 162,048 185,990
15-04-2024 96.716 72.6473 2,032.7873 7,026 169,074 196,603
15-05-2024 97.294 55.3643 2,088.1516 5,387 174,461 203,165
18-06-2024 104.2 57.9827 2,146.1343 6,042 180,503 223,627
15-07-2024 109.578 53.697 2,199.8312 5,884 186,387 241,053
16-08-2024 109.487 52.8777 2,252.709 5,789 192,176 246,642
16-09-2024 114.294 50.4199 2,303.1289 5,763 197,939 263,234
15-10-2024 112.149 53.4405 2,356.5694 5,993 203,932 264,287
18-11-2024 105.575 55.1335 2,411.7029 5,821 209,753 254,616
16-12-2024 112.074 48.6469 2,460.3499 5,452 215,205 275,741
15-01-2025 104.006 57.5679 2,517.9177 5,987 221,192 261,879

Disclaimer : We have gathered all the data, information, statistics from the sources believed to be highly reliable and true. All necessary precautions have been taken to avoid any error, lapse or insufficiency; however, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. We cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing herein. The user is advised to verify the contents of the report independently.

Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.