STP - Transferor Scheme : Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Initial Investment Amount STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Remaining Total Amount Transferred Value as on 09-09-2024 Current Value as on 09-09-2024 Profit Returns (%)
1,000,000 09-09-2021 to 09-09-2024 37 386.12 207,909 1,000,000 1,000,000 207,909 5.2

STP - Transferee Scheme : Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Accumulated Total Amount Invested Value as on 09-09-2024 Current Value as on 09-09-2024 Profit Returns (%)
09-09-2021 to 09-09-2024 37 2,447.01 207,909 274,295 274,295 66,386 18.7

STP - Total Returns:

Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
1,000,000 1,274,295 274,295 6.24

Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Net Amount Profit Transfer Capital Gain/Loss
(Profit Transfer)
No. of Days
Current Value
09-09-2020 2105.775 474.8845 474.8845 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
09-09-2021 2175.1433 15.1447 459.7398 1,032,942 -32,942 1,050.56 365 1,000,000
10-10-2021 2180.8288 1.1986 458.5413 1,002,614 -2,614 89.96 396 1,000,000
09-11-2021 2186.594 1.209 457.3323 1,002,644 -2,644 97.71 426 1,000,000
09-12-2021 2192.7013 1.2738 456.0585 1,002,793 -2,793 110.73 456 1,000,000
09-01-2022 2199.1171 1.3305 454.7279 1,002,926 -2,926 124.19 487 1,000,000
09-02-2022 2205.2328 1.2611 453.4669 1,002,781 -2,781 125.42 518 1,000,000
09-03-2022 2211.1795 1.2195 452.2473 1,002,697 -2,697 128.55 546 1,000,000
10-04-2022 2218.4389 1.4799 450.7674 1,003,283 -3,283 166.73 578 1,000,000
09-05-2022 2224.216 1.1708 449.5966 1,002,604 -2,604 138.67 607 1,000,000
09-06-2022 2232.6081 1.69 447.9066 1,003,773 -3,773 214.35 638 1,000,000
10-07-2022 2241.7548 1.8275 446.0791 1,004,097 -4,097 248.51 669 1,000,000
09-08-2022 2250.3236 1.6986 444.3805 1,003,822 -3,822 245.53 699 1,000,000
09-09-2022 2260.7122 2.0421 442.3385 1,004,616 -4,616 316.39 730 1,000,000
09-10-2022 2270.7264 1.9508 440.3877 1,004,430 -4,430 321.78 760 1,000,000
09-11-2022 2282.128 2.2002 438.1875 1,005,021 -5,021 388.01 791 1,000,000
09-12-2022 2294.0519 2.2776 435.9099 1,005,225 -5,225 428.82 821 1,000,000
09-01-2023 2307.2552 2.4945 433.4154 1,005,755 -5,755 502.59 852 1,000,000
09-02-2023 2319.268 2.2449 431.1705 1,005,207 -5,207 479.27 883 1,000,000
09-03-2023 2330.6291 2.1018 429.0687 1,004,899 -4,899 472.6 911 1,000,000
09-04-2023 2346.1387 2.8364 426.2323 1,006,655 -6,655 681.78 942 1,000,000
09-05-2023 2358.847 2.2963 423.9359 1,005,417 -5,417 581.14 972 1,000,000
09-06-2023 2372.7736 2.4882 421.4477 1,005,904 -5,904 664.35 1,003 1,000,000
09-07-2023 2385.9416 2.326 419.1217 1,005,550 -5,550 651.66 1,033 1,000,000
09-08-2023 2399.354 2.3429 416.7788 1,005,621 -5,621 687.82 1,064 1,000,000
10-09-2023 2413.3686 2.4203 414.3586 1,005,841 -5,841 744.46 1,096 1,000,000
09-10-2023 2426.4615 2.2358 412.1228 1,005,425 -5,425 717 1,125 1,000,000
09-11-2023 2440.3498 2.3454 409.7773 1,005,724 -5,724 784.72 1,156 1,000,000
09-12-2023 2454.1768 2.3087 407.4686 1,005,666 -5,666 804.36 1,186 1,000,000
09-01-2024 2469.7175 2.564 404.9046 1,006,332 -6,332 933.15 1,217 1,000,000
09-02-2024 2484.0268 2.3325 402.5721 1,005,794 -5,794 882.26 1,248 1,000,000
10-03-2024 2499.1397 2.4345 400.1377 1,006,084 -6,084 957.63 1,278 1,000,000
09-04-2024 2515.9786 2.678 397.4597 1,006,738 -6,738 1,098.54 1,308 1,000,000
09-05-2024 2529.7818 2.1687 395.291 1,005,486 -5,486 919.52 1,338 1,000,000
09-06-2024 2545.1534 2.3874 392.9036 1,006,076 -6,076 1,048.96 1,369 1,000,000
09-07-2024 2559.978 2.2753 390.6284 1,005,825 -5,825 1,033.43 1,399 1,000,000
09-08-2024 2575.0361 2.2843 388.3441 1,005,882 -5,882 1,071.93 1,430 1,000,000
09-09-2024 2589.8703 2.2243 386.1197 1,005,761 -5,761 1,076.8 1,461 1,000,000

Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
09-09-2021 78.785 418.1244 418.1244 32,942 32,942 32,942
11-10-2021 81.44 32.0954 450.2199 2,614 35,556 36,666
09-11-2021 81.742 32.3406 482.5604 2,644 38,199 39,445
09-12-2021 79.142 35.2918 517.8522 2,793 40,992 40,984
10-01-2022 81.435 35.9303 553.7825 2,926 43,918 45,097
09-02-2022 78.935 35.2313 589.0137 2,781 46,699 46,494
09-03-2022 72.868 37.0071 626.0208 2,697 49,396 45,617
11-04-2022 78.781 41.673 667.6939 3,283 52,679 52,602
09-05-2022 72.394 35.9716 703.6655 2,604 55,283 50,941
09-06-2022 73.391 51.4104 755.0759 3,773 59,056 55,416
11-07-2022 73.489 55.748 810.8239 4,097 63,153 59,587
10-08-2022 77.901 49.0669 859.8908 3,822 66,975 66,986
09-09-2022 79.6 57.9961 917.887 4,616 71,592 73,064
10-10-2022 77.63 57.0613 974.9482 4,430 76,022 75,685
09-11-2022 80.436 62.4238 1,037.3721 5,021 81,043 83,442
09-12-2022 82.011 63.7098 1,101.0819 5,225 86,268 90,301
09-01-2023 80.34 71.6387 1,172.7205 5,755 92,023 94,216
09-02-2023 79.359 65.6073 1,238.3279 5,207 97,230 98,272
09-03-2023 77.893 62.8885 1,301.2163 4,899 102,128 101,356
10-04-2023 77.725 85.6183 1,386.8346 6,655 108,783 107,792
09-05-2023 80.205 67.5355 1,454.3702 5,417 114,200 116,648
09-06-2023 82.106 71.9069 1,526.2771 5,904 120,104 125,317
10-07-2023 84.796 65.4468 1,591.7238 5,550 125,653 134,972
09-08-2023 87.468 64.2684 1,655.9922 5,621 131,275 144,846
11-09-2023 89.747 65.0828 1,721.075 5,841 137,116 154,461
09-10-2023 86.971 62.3789 1,783.4539 5,425 142,541 155,109
09-11-2023 86.268 66.3477 1,849.8017 5,724 148,264 159,579
11-12-2023 92.665 61.1449 1,910.9465 5,666 153,930 177,078
09-01-2024 94.189 67.2302 1,978.1768 6,332 160,263 186,322
09-02-2024 94.271 61.4601 2,039.6368 5,794 166,057 192,279
11-03-2024 96.271 63.1969 2,102.8338 6,084 172,141 202,442
09-04-2024 98.269 68.5657 2,171.3994 6,738 178,879 213,381
09-05-2024 96.027 57.132 2,228.5314 5,486 184,365 213,999
10-06-2024 102.462 59.3025 2,287.834 6,076 190,441 234,416
09-07-2024 108.76 53.555 2,341.3889 5,825 196,266 254,649
09-08-2024 108.472 54.2271 2,395.616 5,882 202,148 259,857
09-09-2024 112.094 51.3923 2,447.0084 5,761 207,909 274,295

Disclaimer : We have gathered all the data, information, statistics from the sources believed to be highly reliable and true. All necessary precautions have been taken to avoid any error, lapse or insufficiency; however, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. We cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing herein. The user is advised to verify the contents of the report independently.

Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.